The great commission was first for the disciples of Christ, but certainly it is for all believers! The specificity of works is different but the message is the same- Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Repent and follow Him.
Most of us fulfill that commission by disciplining our families & sharing our faith with the people in our lives.
While others have callings to missions or pastoral work- these callings are very different, in my opinion, from the dream/ destiny callings that are promoted in the evangelical industrial complex.
The call to ministry will be one of service & will be centered around sharing the gospel, while the dream/ destiny message to your everyday believer is often wrapped up in ideas like: living your best life, manifesting your desires, discovering your true self, & even bringing heaven to earth (as if we could hasten the coming of the Lord with our works).
I hope that answers your question!