Gospel vs Big Dream
What Is the Work of God?
There is a large portion of Christianity that, instead of preaching the Gospel- that Jesus died for our sins and we may be forgiven, are preaching that Christians need to fulfill a destiny.
This destiny is a veiled, slightly mysterious thing. It is your quest as a Christian to figure out what your destiny is, and then to chase down the big dream that God has put inside of you!
The “gospel” being preached is about the work that we need to get busy doing in order to fulfill the plan of God.
The truth is that the work of Christ on the cross fulfilled the plan of the Father- to reconcile His children back into relationship with Himself.
There is no greater dream, no greater destiny fulfilled, than that of our Savior saving us. There is no other work that needs to be accomplished in order to please God.
The atoning, sacrificial death of Christ fulfilled the dream.
The “self-help, chase your dream, God made you with a destiny to fulfill His plans for the world” gospel is no good news.
It is a diversion, designed to get you looking for self-actualization in place of gospel-focused sanctification.
These dream-chasing gurus would have you read Rich Dad Poor Dad rather than study the Scriptures.
Go read John, chapter 6. See if the words of Jesus don’t stop you in your tracks.
Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.”
John 6:29, ESV
See also, the second chapter of Ephesians.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:8–10, ESV
This section strikes me with clarity on this subject. I see here that I am saved by God, apart from my own doing. He has graciously, kindly saved me. I didn’t merit it. It is His work that has redeemed me. I’m not the worker, I’m the workmanship.
I am not the painter, I am the painting.
I am not the builder, I am the building.
I am not the creator, I am the creation.
You get it, right? I am His workmanship.
If it’s true that I am a creation, chosen for salvation apart from my merit - is it so far a stretch to consider that the good works which God prepared beforehand are also apart from my merit?
Could it be true that the work of God is truly as simple as believing in the One whom He sent?
Could it be true that our destiny to be fulfilled is fleshed out as we submit to the Lord and love our neighbor?
Could it be true that I don’t have to go on a quasi-Christian vision quest in order to discover my destiny?
My destiny as a Christian person is fulfilled each moment that I submit my life to Christ.
I think we’re on to something.
Perhaps, the Gospel really is good news for all people, not just those with the resources to chase big dreams.